God’s Timing

Genesis 8-9 & 1 Corinthians 11

Today’s passage was the continuation of Noah’s Ark, and one thing I always find interesting when I first noticed it was Genesis 8:15-17. When we get to this part of the story we always focus on Noah sending out the raven, and then sending out the dove three times, we tend to skip over these three verses where it is God commanding Noah to exit the ark. God sealed them in the ark, and it was God Who told them it was finally safe to come out of the ark. Often times we may be called to do something and are desperate to get it started, or we are impatient to see the answer to our prayers work out; that we will move ahead of God and not wait for His timing. You see this will lead to results that aren’t the best, that is not to say they won’t work out, it just isn’t the best of what God has to offer. You see Noah could have left the ark when he noticed that the ground was dry, or even mostly dry; but surviving woul have been harder as the land might not have been suitable at that time to sustain life, We might not know the why, but we do know that Noah did wait for God’s timing to tell him when to leave the ark.

So, is there anything where you are having to wait on God’s timing? Has there been times when instead of waiting on God, you went and did your own thing? I pray that each of us has the patience to wait on God and His promises. Have a blessed day.

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