Psalm 119:9 – Why is Bible Study Important?

How can a young man keep his way pure? By guarding it according to your word.

Why is it important to study the Bible? Well if you were to ask the psalmist, he would tell us that it is to keep us focused on God and to help keep us from falling into sin. The more time we spend in the Word the more we see how we should be living and acting. We see how we should keep our focus on God as He is the only one worthy of our worship; and whatever has our focus, whatever takes our priority is that which we worship. Spending time in the Word keeps our mind and hearts centered on God, guarding our way and keeping it pure.

The best illustration of this in practice is when we look at the temptation of Christ. After Christ was baptized He went into the wilderness for forty days at the end of which Satan came and tempted Him. We see in the narrative that with each temptation Christ countered Satan by quoting Scripture.. But now here is the thing, it is not just enough to know Scripture, we can’t just memorize verses and just quote them at times of temptation; we need to understand what the verse actually means so we can use them appropriately. We even see this with Christ’s temptation, in one instance Satan, seeing Christ countering him with Scripture, used Scripture to try to get Christ to sin by twisting the intended meaning of the verse to suit his purpose. Someone not grounded in Scripture might look at it and think, “you know you’re right,” but because Christ knew His Scripture, He was able to say, “you’re wrong and according to Scripture here’s why.”

So have you been finding it hard to stay on track in your faith? The first thing to do is look to see if you have been neglecting your Bible, and start digging into His Word.

Table Talk – Episode 97 – Who in Whose Image?

June 16, 2017: This week we went deep and touched many topics but most importantly do we make a god in our own image or do we live like we are made in God’s image?

Table Talk is a weekly gathering of men in the Pinellas Park area from different denominations and backgrounds. We meet every Friday morning from around 6:30-8:00 at the Egg Platter restaurant. It is located at 6767 US Highway 19 North in Pinellas Park. If you happen to be in the area feel free to come out and join us for a time of fellowship and Bible study.

John 1:5

The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.
John 1:5 ESV

What is the definition of darkness? It is basically the absence of light, in physics there is no term that dictates a measurement of darkness. The term pitch black is just stating that there is absolutely zero amount of light. If you have ever been to one of those tourist attractions where you go into the caverns they usually take you to one section where they will turn out all the lights to show you what pitch black is; it is so dark that no matter how close you hold your hand to your face you are unable to see it. This is an environment that anything living in it is usually blind due to the lack of light. Now when John talks about Jesus entering into the world, he uses the imagery of light shining in the darkness. How many times have you been in a dark room and suddenly been blinded when someone turned on the lights, this was essentially what Jesus stepping into the world was like, a flare going off in a dark room. Look at it this way a child that is scared of the dark is often put at ease by a tiny night light. You see darkness cannot survive where there is even the smallest speck of light.


Now the darkness Christ stepped into was not a physical darkness but rather a spiritual darkness. Hearts were far from God, most people if they exhibited any form of righteousness it was self righteousness. Their motivations were to make themselves look good rather than to glorify God, and this is the natural state of man. Without Christ we are at enmity with God, our hearts are living in darkness and like the animals living in the pitch black environment we are spiritually blind; but when Christ enters our lives that darkness is dispelled and our relationship with God is restored.


As Christians we are called to be representatives of Christ. This means we are to ourselves become little lights shining in the darkness. We are to spread the Gospel to expose others to the light of Christ which in turn they will go and spread the light. Remember you don’t turn on a light and then stick it in the closet and close the door; you use the light for illumination in order to see where you are going or what you are doing, in much the same way our sharing the Gospel, our being lights reflecting Christ  is much the same it is to show others the way to God and the need for a Savior. So let me end with this how are you letting your light shine for others to see?