Faith as a Muscle – St Pete Dream Center Table Talk

This week I went into our video archive and found this gem where those of us at the Friday morning prayer breakfast talked about how our faith is like a muscle that we need to constantly exercise.

If you have any comments or questions that you want to share you can email or you can call or text (727)315-0830

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What builds your nature? – St Pete Dream Center Table Talk

This week at the St. Pete Dream Center Table Talk we discussed what shapes our character/nature.

If you have any comments or questions that you want to share you can email or you can call or text (727)315-0830

If you want to donate to God at Work and Becoming God’s Man Ministries go here:

All We Need Is Love – St. Pete Dream Center Table Talk

This week at the St Pete Dream Center we talked about love, how we as Christians often fall short, and how we can show love to others in need.

If you have any comments or questions that you want to share you can email or you can call or text (727)315-0830

If you want to donate to God at Work and Becoming God’s Man Ministries go here:

American Christianity – St. Pete Dream Center Table Talk

This week at the St. Pete Dream Center’s Table Talk the guys talk about what they have personally observed and thought regarding the good and the bad when reflecting on the state of Christianity and Christians in American society.

If you have any comments or questions that you want to share you can email or you can call or text (727)315-0830

If you want to donate to God at Work and Becoming God’s Man Ministries go here:

What helps you walk with Jesus? – St Pete Dream Center Table Talk

This week at the St. Pete Dream Center’s Table Talk we looked at the question of “what helps you walk with Jesus?”

If you have any comments or questions that you want to share you can email or you can call or text (727)315-0830

If you want to donate to God at Work and Becoming God’s Man Ministries go here:

Showing love – St Pete Dream Center Table Talk

This week at the St. Pete Dream Center’s Table Talk we looked at various ways as Christians we should be showing love to those around us.

If you have any comments or questions that you want to share you can email or you can call or text (727)315-0830

If you want to donate to God at Work and Becoming God’s Man Ministries go here:

Year of the King – St Pete Dream Center Table Talk

After one of the guys talking about God placing on his heart that 2019 is the “Year of the King” we get on to talking about expanding God’s Kingdom.

If you have any comments or questions that you want to share you can email or you can call or text (727)315-0830

If you want to donate to God at Work and Becoming God’s Man Ministries go here:

The Word of God – St. Pete Dream Center Table Talk

This week I went into our video archive and found this gem where those of us at the Friday morning prayer breakfast took a look at having a thirst for the Word of God.

If you have any comments or questions that you want to share you can email or you can call or text (727)315-0830

If you want to donate to God at Work and Becoming God’s Man Ministries go here:

Greatness in God’s Kingdom – St Pete Dream Center Table Talk

This week at the St. Pete Dream Center Table Talk we looked at what it means to be great in God’s Kingdom.

If you have any comments or questions that you want to share you can email or you can call or text (727)315-0830

If you want to donate to God at Work and Becoming God’s Man Ministries go here:

Resolutions – Romans 12:2

Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.  Romans 12:2 ESV


New Year’s Resolutions, many people tend to make them. The top ten New Year’s Resolutions this last year were diet, exercise, lose weight, save more money and spend less, learn a new skill or hobby, quit smoking, read more, new job, drink less alcohol, and spending more time with friends and family. We tend to look at New Year’s resolutions as a form of self improvement goals, things we want to do for ourselves either to fulfill our desires or to make ourselves appear better in some for or another. Now I am not saying there is anything completely wrong with New Year’s Resolutions, I mean half of them are regarding living a healthier lifestyle. The problem with New Year’s Resolutions is how many people actually stick to them? I mean the big joke is if you want to start working out at a gym, start in February after those who made resolutions have quit and the gym becomes less crowded.


The question is do we often take a similar approach to our spiritual life? We make promises that we will do things to improve ourselves spiritually only to give up on them after a short amount of time. How many of us made a resolution to read the Bible through in a year, or to do a daily devotional? How many of us have actually stuck to that resolution? One thing I will state New Year’s Resolutions it is said that 80% fail by February and only 8% of people actually achieve their resolutions.


The thing is what Paul is getting at here in this verse goes so much deeper than the concept of a resolution. In fact if you look at verse 1 we see that this is a daily intentional decision. To be transformed and not conformed is not something we can do on our own; but it is done by daily giving ourselves to God. It is humbling ourselves before God, looking to Him and seeking His desires, which in turn eventually become our desires as we are transformed. You see being conformed to the world is asking what can we do for ourselves, how can we make ourselves look good; even the most giving person if they are not following God their motives are purely for their own purpose. On the other side to be transformed is to rather ask what can I do to make God look good, what can I do to bring Him glory? You see the reason in the previous verse Paul states we need to present ourselves daily as a living sacrifice is that in order to be transformed we need to kill our selfish desires and humble ourselves daily, as pride is something we all struggle with  and it is turning from our selfish desires and looking towards God and seeking His desires that results in the transformation. One verse I like to look at regarding this is Psalm 37:4, “Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart.” Not in that God will be a genie and give you what you want, but as you look towards God, He will change or transform your desires to line up with His desires; or He renews your mind so that “you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.”