Back to the Basics – A Changed Focus

Last time we looked at how we are saved by grace. Today we will look at another aspect of what makes a Christian, a change in focus. Let’s start this discussion by looking at what a Christian is, looking at society some people may think that because they regularly attend church services, do good deeds, their parents were and their parents’ parents were Christians, or maybe they have actually been baptized that they are Christians. These are all good things but they are not what makes a Christian; Jesus stated in John 14:6 “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” What this means is that faith in Christ is what defines a Christian. So what does faith in Christ look like? Well there are a number of ways to describe a Christian faith.

I Am Second

The first way to describe a Christian faith would be that I take the view that I am second and God should come first in my life. On paper, or the screen, it sounds easy but in application it can be rather difficult. You see we have had an issue of seeking our own personal interest as long as man has been on the earth. Don’t believe me look at Genesis 3:6, Eve saw that the fruit was good to eat, desirable, and able to make one “wise.” You see Satan used the hook that the fruit would make them like God to get them to eat, He played to their self interest over reliance on God.

You see putting God first is not just a catchy phrase or the clever name of a movement, but a daily struggle we must face. Paul puts it this way, “I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship.” In other words we lay down our desires, wants, interests and give them to God. He will then give us what we need, His desires, and His interests. Our focus needs to change from putting ourselves first (which society tells us we should look out for only ourselves) to looking to what God wants from us.

All In

The thing is we cannot leave the description of the Christian faith at just putting God first in our lives, rather we need to make Him and His will our sole focus. Let me put it this way in a number of sports they have what is called a leader board and as long as you are on the leader board you are still in contention to take first place. What this means is that if there is anything that can take your focus it is on your spiritual leader board, God wants it so that second place does not even come close to ranking on your leader board. Now I am not saying we need to become monks and live a life of 24/7 church services but as Paul told the Colossian church in everything we do we should do it for God and give Him thanks. When working at your job, work in such a way to bring glory to God, even if it is stocking shelves at the grocery store or cleaning bathrooms. When hanging out with your friends act in such a way to bring glory to God, even if the others are treating the servers at the restaurant in a terrible manner look at them and treat them as a child of God.

Now one thing I do think needs mentioning is that this is not easy, in fact Jesus said it was hard (Matthew 7:13-14), but it is a goal we should aim towards. The secret is that the more we focus towards God the easier it becomes. Now we will never be perfect and we are all bound to slip at times but that is where God’s grace and forgiveness comes in, which we will talk about next time.

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