Welcome to Colossae – The Problem

Last time we ended by talking about the unity of the believer and how it was because of this brotherhood that Paul felt it necessary to address the issues he heard the Colossian church was facing. So what were the issues he addressed, why was the letter to the Colossian church written? The issue that the Colossian church was facing was a mixture between Eastern philosophy and Jewish legalism.

Eastern Philosophy

The first part of the issue came from a concept that eventually became known as Gnosticism, this concept was that there was a special wisdom and knowledge that would only be achieved through spiritual perfection; and once one achieved this wisdom they were released from the earthly and material things. It came out of the philosophical question of “why is there evil in the world if creation was made by a holy God?” This question led to the belief among eastern philosophers that matter  was evil and as such God could not come in direct contact with evil matter. They also held a belief that angelic beings ruled the heavenly bodies and influenced the affairs on earth.

Jewish Legalism

Eastern philosophy was not the only issue that the church faced as Jewish legalism was also thrown into the mix. The concept of circumcision was believed to be helpful in one’s spiritual development as well as following the Old Testament Law, especially the dietary laws. This provided rigid rules and regulations that defined what was evil and what was good. The combination of these two led to the view that since material world was evil, a way was needed to control one’s human nature to pursue perfection. This resulted in either a strict legalistic view with rigid discipline or the view that since matter is evil all things are permissible; the Colossians more than likely drifted towards the more legalistic end of the spectrum.

The Issue

With the combining of beliefs that were found in the area the foundation of the Christian faith was being undermined. They attacked the person and work of Jesus Christ. They made a belief structure that had something for everybody by taking bits and pieces of Jewish legalism, Oriental philosophy, pagan astrology, mysticism, asceticism, and even Christianity. This is an issue that is even seen today. With the concept that it doesn’t matter what you believe as long as you are sincere, or the mixing in of eastern/new age philosophies and practices with the Christian faith. They took the view that “God is far away, matter is evil, and demonic forces are constantly threatening us;” where the Christian faith is that God is near us, God made all things good, and Christ has delivered His people from the powers of darkness. It was a heresy that tried to change people from the outside in, where spiritual growth happens from the inside out.

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